The Testing Device SUF-1D is designed to testing:
- Unipolar voltage indicator up to 50kV;
- Bipolar voltage indicator up to 50kV;
- Unipolar phase comparators up to 50kV;
- Bipolar phase comparators up to 50kV;
- Dielectric rods by sinusoidal voltage (AC) up to 100 kV 50 (60)Hz.
The Testing Device SUF-1D consists of four blocks:
- the control unit;
- two 50kV high voltage transformers
- two voltage indicator testing stands SW-1
- dielectric rods testing stand SD-1.
To test phase comparators, an inverter is built into the control unit that regulates the phase of the output voltage of one of the transformers between 0 and 180 degrees.
A voltage of 100 kV is generated by connecting two 50kV transformers in opposite phases, so that a voltage of 100kV is generated between the high-voltage leads of the transformers for testing the dielectric rods.
SW-1 Voltage and Phase Indicator Testing stand
• the stand is used for testing phasers with voltage up to 52kV in compliance with EN 61481 standard or voltage indicators up to 52 kV in compliance with EN 61243;
• test voltage up to 52 kV.
Hot Sticks testing stand SD-1
• maximum length of testing rods – 2m.
• maximum testing voltage – 100 kV on 300mm;
• possibility of simultaneous testing of one rod.
• quick installation in the operating position
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